BCM222-What’s the role of news agencies? How did they work?

Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

News Agencies

News agencies are the platforms that provide news and information, which from both local and other places or countries, to the public. Most of the public receive things what happening now by the news agencies.

News agencies have their clients and subscribers, and all subscribers can share their cost with others to obtain services that they can not afford.

Newspaper and News Agency

Different from the newspaper, news agency does not publish news itself. It only provides news that collected from others. Therefore, the news agency provides more objective information. Newspaper and news agencies also provide a lot of information including news, sports, election, and etc. But news agency is a organization that can be newspaper, magazines, radio and television broadcasters.

Photo by Vincent Rivaud on Pexels.com

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

How News Agencies Work?

News agency contains many sources, every office has their comprehensive diary including news about events happened from local media, government minister’s speech, major companies’ annual general meetings or witness’ report of an event.

Before the news agency publish the news, they have to check all the sources whether it is fact. Editors will check the news before they transmit them to their clients as well, and make sure that doesn’t cause any conflict with the published news. They have to be accurate as if they made a mistake, corrections have to be send to all the subscribers through newspaper, televisions and radio and their news are used by many subscribers across the world, so they have to be careful and can’t give false information.

Furthermore, since the news agency provides objective news, so they have no side, and no hint or ambiguity in their report. Their role is to report the fact to the public.


  1. Encyclopaedia Britannica (2013, January 25). News agency. https://www.britannica.com/topic/news-agency
  2. Course Hero. What is the difference between the working of a newspaper and news agency? https://www.coursehero.com/file/p7s4r6rk/What-is-the-difference-between-the-working-of-a-newspaper-and-news-agency-A/
  3. Saxena, S (2014, November 22). You don’t know them but news agencies bring you the world. https://www.easymedia.in/dont-know-news-agencies-bring-world/
  4. Jeffrey Serote, V (2020, July 25). How does Reuters gather news? https://reuters.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215713703-How-does-Reuters-gather-news-

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